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Showing posts from February, 2021

Nova Scotia Premiere Screening of Fiddelity

Although the film Fiddelity has been screened in several Canadian provinces and indeed several countries, it has, by reason of fluctuating and unpredictable Covid-19 restrictions on public gatherings, yet to be screened publicly in Nova Scotia. This is where the film was produced. A planned screening at the King's Theatre in Annapolis Royal on January 8, 2021 was cancelled, when public performances were once again banned. However, restrictions have now been eased. I am pleased to announce that the Lower Granville Hall in Port Royal will be screening the film on March 13 and March 14, 2021. The event will be a fundraiser for the Hall.  The Hall is located across the road from 'The Habitation", where Champlain created the Order of Good Cheer in 1605 and theatrics frequently took place. Therefore, the location is most appropriate.

One`s Company: A new script in the works

I have now completed re-writes on a script that has been formulating on my laptop for several months. I know, as I begin to work on learning lines, that it will evolve further. Although it is, essentially, a monologue, two other characters appear briefly.  This is the first script I have written with filming in mind. As Covid-19 restrictions continue, and the uncertainty of live theatres re-opening anytime soon, or remaining open if they do, I thought this the best route to take. This is the story of an older gay man whose partner of almost fifty years has gone away, allegedly on family business. The story is about communication, assumptions, loneliness and ageing. Originally I had intended to title the play ``Dinner for One``; however, I subsequently learned there is another film by the same name. I have now settled on ``One`s Company`` for this work. Following a very successful piece with another is always risky and unsettling. But it will be what it will be.