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Showing posts from December, 2020

Fiddelity Selected for a Fourth Festival

Fiddelity has now been selected for the New York Tri-State International Film Festival . This is the film's fourth festival selection. I confess to never suspecting the film would do as well as it has. I consider this an great honour.  I love the story, and if I put vanity aside, I do think the acting by the main characters was very good. But as a first film and a no budget one at that, the film's production quality is far less then ideal.  The film may be watched on the Festival's website from January 7-14, 2021. Tickets are $3.91 USD. Here is the link for ticket purchases: Link for tickets: NewYorkTristateFilmFestival/ tickets

Cobourg Screening a Success

I am humbled by the accolades that have come in after yesterday's screening of "Fiddelity" in Cobourg, Ontario. It is a difficult story I know. Some who had already heard the podcast of the original script were surprised by the film; but found it "astounding", "an intriguing story", "layered and intricately woven", "an important piece about love and resilience, desire and determination", "WOW. Amazing! Beautiful photography. Riveting."  "Lyrical".

Fiddelity Selected for Third Festival

 "Fiddelity" has now been selected for the 2021 Global Independent Film Festival (GIFF) in Glasgow, Scotland early in 2021. This is the third independent film festival the film has been selected for. It was a Semi-Finalist in the first one and an "Exceptional Merit Award" winner in the second festival. And today, it is being screened at the Loft Cinema in Cobourg, Ontario.  I had no idea that this humble film would receive such exposure.  An article will appear in the next edition of The Reader, a local journal of Annapolis County, No va Scotia.

Fiddelity is an Award Winner!

Today I received notification that "Fiddelity" was the Award Winner in the "Zero Budget" film category of the Fall 2020 LGBTQ Unbordered International Film Festival. The film received an Exceptional Merit Award in this category. I was informed that it is extremely rare for a film in this category to get such a high award.  Regardless, this came as a surprise. I had thought the Film was entered in the 2021 Spring festival. Needless to say, I am very pleased, as well as surprised.

New Script Underway

I am quite excited to report that a new script is underway. And this time I am thinking it will be written as a film script rather than a stage script.  However, if it turns out as I hope, I will eventually modify this for the stage, as I enjoy the challenge of  live performance. Hopefully Covid-19 will fade into the past and normal performances can return. All I will say about this work is that the proposed title is " Dinner for One ". It will be in the Talking Head genre of Alan Bennett. I suspect it won't run longer than 30 to 40 minutes.  Stay tuned. This is very much a work in progress.