Fiddelity, in which the lead character is an older gay man, has been selected for the LGBTQ Unbordered International Film Festival . Although the gay theme in the film is understated, I wanted it to be this way. It is just part of life, one aspect of the character's reality. I am learning that being selected for a Festival does not mean that the film will necessarily receive wide exposure. But the mere fact that a jury has thought enough of the film to enter it in the first place, is encouraging. Meanwhile, a new story is percolating in my head. I am now turning my attention to that. Writing a new script is like carrying a child in one's womb. There are good days and bad days. Sometimes one is not sure what is happening. And I say this even though I am not a woman, and certainly not of childbearing age!
This blog is for the purpose of reporting on past and future shows I have or will be performing in. Since 2019, these plays are monologues that I have written. Theatre on a shoe-string budget requires all the help it can get from social media. I trained as an actor and performed professionally in the 1970s before becoming a lawyer in the 1980s. In the 1990s and early 2000s, I performed occasionally , taking up theatre (monologues) again after my retirement from the practice of law in 2015.