It is not easy for me to find monologues that inspire me to perform them. The two I have most recently performed did just that. I have been looking for new scripts over the past few months. Two scripts sent to me from overseas have been dark and dated and others I have read have simply been depressing and filled with a sense of despair or hopelessness. I do not have to like the character or characters I am portraying. But I do have to have some empathy for them. There has to be some humour, however black, to make an audience smile or wince from time to time. I want an audience to learn something too. Even when the message is challenging or uncomfortable, an audience needs to share at least some of the character's feelings or relate to some of the character's behaviour. So I keep looking. I have even thought of writing something myself; but script writing is a talent I have yet to master.
This blog is for the purpose of reporting on past and future shows I have or will be performing in. Since 2019, these plays are monologues that I have written. Theatre on a shoe-string budget requires all the help it can get from social media. I trained as an actor and performed professionally in the 1970s before becoming a lawyer in the 1980s. In the 1990s and early 2000s, I performed occasionally , taking up theatre (monologues) again after my retirement from the practice of law in 2015.