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Ionesco's Exit the King Coming to Annapolis Royal

The Annapolis District Drama Group (ADDG) is going to be performing Eugene Ionesco's 1962 play, Exit the King , April 25 - 27, at the King's theatre in Annapolis Royal.  Local actor and playwright, Paul Rapsey, will be performing the role of King Berenger the First.  Although Ionesco did not call himself an absurdist, the play has been placed in the absurdist genre by others. Berenger is an Everyman who is informed of his impending death by those around him. He has lived by his ego and has not seen or accepted the inevitability of his death.  Death and ego are the two central themes in the play, says Paul Rapsey. And ego has impeded the King's wisdom both in ruling his failing Kingdom, and in living his life.  Ionesco found everday reality to be incomprehensible and in a sense amazing. Berenger says, "It is all magical". Everyday is a new beginning.  [Publicity Photo by Tim Wilson]
Recent posts

"Deadly Sea Weed" Now Available

  BOOK RELEASE: Paul Rapsey’s fourth mystery novel, Deadly Sea Weed , has just been released. Like his first three novels, the story takes place in sleepy, small-town Nova Scotia. It is as much about the delightful characters in it as it is about the mystery that slowly unfolds. Although the tale involves some serious issues, it is written in the author’s easy conversational style and in a lighthearted manner. One can feel his love of Nova Scotia and its people. The book is available from Amazon Books as both a soft cover and as an e-book. However, because of Paul’s busy schedule, (he is starring in Eugene Ionesco’s “Exit the King”) the formal book launch in Nova Scotia will be on April 8, 2025 at the Mad Hatter Book Store in Annapolis Royal from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.   

Wooden House Film Selected by Film Festival

"The Little Wooden House" (2024) has just been jury slected for consideration by the LGBTQ Unbordered International Film Festival (USA). The script was originally performed live by Paul Rapsey in May 2024. The filmed version came out in the summer of that year. This is the story of loss and discovery. Although it is a fictional story, it is based on a real incident that occured while the playwright was on holiday in Cuba.

Another Film Festival Selection for Samuel

Paul Rapsey's independent film, Desperately Seeking Samuel , has just been jury selected for inclusion in the Alpine Frame Film Festival (Switzerland). The film has already been included in a number of other festivals in Marseille and Montmartre, France; Mallorca, Spain, and Moscow, Russia. It won a merit award in the LGBTQ Unborderered International Film Festval (USA). This is a essentially a dramatic monologue, or rather two monologues starring Paul Rapsey, and Gillian Ormerod; and introducing Katie Yeoman. In a sense, it is an allegory about a decent into "hell" and "resurrection". Paul performed a stage version of the play in Granville Ferry in 2023.

A Market for Mystery Set For Release

Paul Rapsey's fifth novel, " A Market for Mystery " is set for release in March 2025. A book launch will not be held until later in the spring.  The working Title of "A Market for Murder" turned out to be unavailable because there is already a book by that title in the United Kingdon.

Deadly Sea Weed Set for Release

Paul Rapsey's fourth novel, "Deadly Sea Weed" is now set for release at the end of January 2025. A book launch will likely be held locally in early spring.  A final cover has been decided on and is shown here.  Cover design by Paul Rapsey.